Michigan Investment Network

Entrepreneur Registration

Important: Please note this registration page is only for people looking for funding. If you are an investor, please register here.

Contact Info


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Optional: Enter the web address for your business. Enter the complete URL including the http:// part (e.g., http://www.mybiz.com).





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  1. I have read and agree to the Website Terms of Use and Acceptable Use Policy.

  2. I understand that the Michigan Investment Network can in no way be held responsible for what takes place once contact with an investor has been established.

  3. I understand that it is my sole responsibility to do due diligence on any of the investors I deal with.

 I have read and agree to the terms of the disclaimers above.

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Michigan Investors

United States > Michigan

Hello, I am a 38 y.o., looking to invest in wide range of industries to diversify my portfolio. I have experience in residential real estate and beginning to invest in commercial real estate. My wife and I are healthcare professionals and Michigan has been our home for the past 13yrs. I could serve as hands-on or silent partner, depending on the needs of a business.

$10,000 to $100,000

United States > Michigan

Aviation professional with diverse background and great amount of free time from day job. Seeking good opportunities to begin diversifying my portfolio with. I also have a secluded field (Vacant Land) in the Midland MI region which I am willing to provide as an investment in agriculture or other.

$3,000 to $20,000

United States > Michigan

I was coached at a young age by my father, who owned several different companies. I learned the ins and outs of business growth and management and built a million-dollar company at age 22. Also had a successful career in corporate America. Would like to help entrepreneurs achieve similar results.

$50,000 to $1,000,000

United States > Michigan

With a background in healthcare field and working as a dentist in US Army I want to explore the investment opportunities as I gradually transition my life from the 'Army World' to 'Civilian World'. I would like to be a silent investor. I am from Michigan so I would prefer to invest in Michigan. My job does require me to move every couple of years so I am open to out of state opportunities as well.

$50,000 to $100,000

United States > Michigan

Honest and Straightforward CLO Professional. Commercial Real Estate, Construction, Bridge Loans, Multifamily, Industrial, Office, Hotels, Retail, Storage, Business Loans, Equipment Loans, Invoice Financing, Factoring, Land Development, Debt Loans, Hotel Loans, International Loans, Manufacturing

$2,000,000 to $99,000,000

United States > Michigan

Single male, located in Michigan. Currently work as a Firefighter and have experience in public service, transportation management, property management, and am a self taught home renovator. Hoping to collaborate on new business venture - open to explore many industries. Looking to serve day to day or as needed - silent partner is optional. Would prefer to be hands-on and have a mentor or someone willing to teach the ropes of the business.

$5,000 to $100,000

United States > Michigan

Working as an independent contractor for investment banks.

$10,000 to $50,000,000

United States > Michigan

I am young individual investor with experience in the financial industry that is willing to put up to $20,000 into a business that shows a lot of potential. I am interested in the medicinal marijuana industry or in real estate, specifically vacation rental properties. I would also prefer to be a silent partner, but wound not be opposed to an advisory role.

$1,000 to $20,000