Michigan Investment Network

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"This platform is the best I have come across. The response has been consistently superlative, in both quantity and quality. Thank you for everything! "
Anthony L.

Start up
I am looking for investment for equipment and start up capital
  Required Amount $25,000
  Minimum Investment $25,000
  Region Michigan
  Industry 1 Automotive Products & Services
  Industry 2 Transportation
  Stage Pre-Startup/R&D
  Investor Role Any
  Amount Invested $100
  Investment Reason Equipment or Inventory

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Featured Proposals

Help us create more nurses with our new LPN program in Grand Rapids!

PES is ready to expand its offerings and continue to not only offer CNA training, but to officially open the PES School of Nursing Education, and to offer Licensed Practical Nurse training, Medical Assistant Training, Phlebotomy Training, and Massage

